Hello there!

I'm Gerber Navarrete, your go-to Ideas Seller, Team Worker, and Innovator!

🌱 I've shaped leadership spaces, fostering a social conscience in my community and throughout Salvadoran society πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡».
My mantra: "There's always a better way to do things."

πŸ† Achievements:
- Volunteer Leadership: Led impactful initiatives in religious and university spaces, fostering the development of children and youth.
- Marketing Research for Unilever: Conducted market research for Unilever's media team on "How to Capture Consumer Attention in the Digital Medium."
- Customer Service Excellence: Demonstrated attention to detail in a call center role at Metlife Dental, ensuring top-notch service.
- Accounting and Inventory Expertise: Successfully contributed to financial accuracy and inventory management in previous roles.
- Shark Tank Winner: Secured victory in a entrepreneurial Shark Tank, showcasing innovation and strategic thinking.

Lets connect!

πŸ’» Tech Evangelist: Embracing technology is non-negotiable in today's connected world. Let's be the next big connection!πŸ› οΈ Skills Snapshot: From basic computer literacy to strategic planning, I bring organizational prowess, time-management finesse, and detail-oriented dedication to the table.βœ‰οΈ Let's Connect! Email me for my resume or to set up a virtual meeting. Ready to dive into exciting projects together!Looking forward to our future collaboration,